specializes in complete and ready-to-use VES/Delta series professional video editing systems running Avid Media Composer or Avid Liquid (Pinnacle) software, along with friendly User Training and Support. Because you are an artist, not an engineer!  are the U.S. Distributors and Customer Support for VES/Delta series workstations & laptops.

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How to repair your Media Composer 3.0 software
How to repair your Media Composer 3.0 software pricing forMedia Composer


How to repair or maintain your new Media Composer 3.0 software in one hour or less....

Alright, you are thinking to yourself. These guys have drank one Red Bull too many, or have doubled up on their prescriptions, or have downed way too many Avid-tini's at the local watering shed.

"It is physically impossible to repair a broadcast-grade editing system, running software as complex as Avid Media Composer 3.0 in less than one hour," or so you have been led to believe. Heck, it probably takes longer than that just to connect with Tech Support, let alone to actually troubleshoot the cause of your software corruption.

Be warned. Many an editor's weekly salary has been wagered (and virtually lost**) challenging this boast. 

In five minutes, can train even a student editor how to completely and perfectly re-install Avid Media Composer 3.0 and all related software onto the editing system in approximately one hour. That's right, we said five minutes to train a novice how to perfectly fix any software corruptions that may have developed in the system.

**Relax, we have never collected any poor editors paycheck. But that is not to say that we ever lost the bet; just that we are not professional hustlers.

So what's the secret? How does one fully fix a Media Composer 3.0 software installation in only about one hour?

The answer is simple. Run the RED DISK.

Insert the special DVD into its matching VES/Delta video editing system. (Sorry, but our solution only works in our line of computers; the RED DISK technology is not transferable to other workstations.)

Re-boot the system with the DVD in the drive. When prompted, Press any key to "boot from CD". Type in the special passcode. And then step away from the keyboard!

In approximately one hour, the operating system and applications will be correctly re-installed, configured, and validated -- including all of our custom tweaks. For Avid Media Composer 3.0, that includes all of the modifications to Windows XP, as well.

When the full desktop returns to your monitor screens, the process is complete. Remove the DVD, and continue editing. And don't forget, first chance you get, to update your Norton anti-virus definitions.

Disclaimer: the RED DISK process only covers software that was installed on your system by our engineers. Any programs or data that you added subsequently would have to be manually re-installed by the end user. Never store your data nor documents on the system C drive, as all material on the C drive are deleted by the RED DISK process. Project data, media, and other files maintained on any of the other drives are not affected by the RED DISK.


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Last modified: 05/12/09

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